Zoologists study animals. More specifically, they study animals' behaviors, diets, and physical traits, as well as how the animals interact with and influence their ecosystems. Choose one or more of the animal live cams below and practice being a zoologist for awhile! As you watch, consider the following questions:
What do you notice about the animals you observed? What do they look like? Can you tell them apart? How did they behave? Do they all behave the same way?
Did you see anything that surprised you?
Did you learn anything about the animal or how it interacts with its ecosystem?
What does this animal eat? How much does it eat?
If you are interested in becoming a zoologist, use the "What is a Zoologist?" link.
The Seattle Aquarium has live cams for the harbor seals and sea otters.
The Monterey Bay Aquarium has live cams for the aviary (birds), coral reef, jellyfish, kelp forest, open sea, penguins, sharks, and sea otters.
The Smithsonian National Zoo has live cams for the naked mole rats, lions, giant pandas, and elephants.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has live cams for a wide variety of birds around the world.
The Georgia Aquarium has live cams for the piranha, jellyfish, ocean voyager, California sea lions, underwater puffins, Indo-Pacific barrier reef, southern sea otters, gator crossing, African penguins, and beluga whales.
This website has live cams for a wide variety of animals ranging from polar bears to African watering holes to puppies!
Since zoos and aquariums have been closed to the public some of the animals have gotten to take field trips to visit other animals. Watch videos of these field trips below.