The goal of the Kindness Rock Project is to inspire others and spread kindness and positivity throughout the community. This project can be as simple as using a sharpie to write an inspiring message on a rock, but it can also be as detailed and elaborate as you would like to make it.
If you choose to do this project, please remember that one of the goals of environmental sustainability is to leave the habitats of the organisms around us undisturbed. This means if you go outside to find a rock, choose one or two carefully; don't go rummaging around disrupting the homes of insects and other organisms. The other thing to consider is where you want to leave the kindness rocks. If you choose to leave them around your community, pick places where they can be seen by others but won't be disruptive. For example, you don't want them getting washed away or becoming a tripping hazard for others! You can also hold onto your rocks and put them in our trail center at Skyview when we get back to school.
Use the "Kindness Rock Project" button and/or watch the video below to learn more about the project.