If you were asked to explain what a fungus is, what would you say? Would you talk about mushrooms or moldy food? Would you describe them as similar to plants? If so, you wouldn't be the only one, but fungi are so much more than the mushrooms we see and eat, and the mold that grows on old food. Fungi (the plural of fungus) is actually a classification (kingdom) of organisms that are distinct from both plants and animals, but surprisingly more similar to animals. Despite playing a large and important role in ecosystems and human history, fungi are often referred to as "the hidden kingdom". It's time to change that though. Fungi should be seen and appreciated!
Let's get started by watching a video that explains what fungi are, and why they are important.
Now that you have a basic understanding of what fungi are, it's time to dive a little deeper. Use the links and videos below to develop a more complete understanding of fungi. The information is sorted into three categories: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Start wherever you want and use as many of the resources as you need. The goal is to understand fungi well enough that you could explain and/or identify: (1) different types of fungi, (2) the anatomy of fungi, (3) the role they play in natural ecosystems, and (4) how they have helped and harmed humans.
Level: Beginner
Use the links and video below to learn a little more about fungi before completing one or more of the activities.
Level: Intermediate
Use the links and video below to learn a little more about fungi before completing one or more of the activities.
#2. Grow a Fungus garden. Make sure you record your observations as you grow your fungus garden, and be careful when you eventually clean it up.
#5. Find a recipe that uses mushrooms and make it.
#6. Choose one or more of "Hands-on Activities to Study Fungi" at the end of the Putting the Fun into Learning about Fungi link above.
Level: Advanced
Use the links and video below to learn a little more about fungi before completing one or more of the activities.
#3. Research a phylum of fungi and create a poster, presentation, or website.