Everyone has looked at the night sky at some point in their life and noticed that the shape of the moon appears to change. Since this change happens in a predictable pattern, we can identify exactly when the next full or new moon will be (or any phase, for that matter)! Use the resources below to track, model, make predictions about, and explain the lunar phases.
Tracking the Phases of the Moon:
If you have a calendar laying around your house that isn't being used, start using it to track the phases of the Moon. Take a minute to step outside (on your own or with your family) to look up at the moon each night. Draw what the moon looks like on your calendar. If you don't have a calendar handy, you can either print a blank calendar template or draw your own calendar on a blank piece of paper.
Modeling the Phases of the Moon:
Next time you feel like making yourself a snack, consider using your food to model the lunar phases! A common model for the lunar phases uses Oreo cookies, but lots of other foods will also work: cheese & crackers, cucumbers & hummus, bread & jam, pancakes & peanut butter...you get the idea, right? See the Moon Cycle diagram and Oreo Phases Student handout (via the Lunar & Planetary Institute) below to help you create an accurate model of the phases with your snack.

Predicting the Phases of the Moon (Moon Calendar & Calculator)
If you have access to a printer, try making the Moon Calendar & Calculator. You will have all the dates and times for all the moon phases for the rest of the year at your fingertips!
Explaining the Lunar Phases
Bonus: Creative Challenge
Spend some time researching and learning more about the lunar phases, and then write your own song about it! See the examples below for inspiration!