When electricity is flowing through a wire, it creates a magnetic field that doesn’t exist when the electrons are stationary (sitting still)! You are probably already familiar with magnetic fields. Anytime you put two magnets together you feel the magnetic force either pushing or pulling on the other magnet. Isn't it amazing that this same force is created by an electric field? This relationship between electricity and magnetism is called electromagnetism, and is the guiding force behind generators and motors.
Watch the video below to learn more about electromagnetism and how it is used in motors.
Now that you know a little more about electromagnetism, it's time to build your own simple motor! Make sure you can fully explain how and why your model works! Note: You may need to do a little extra research in order to fully explain your experiment/model.
Electromagnetic Motor
This is a fun and simple way to build your own homopolar motor using electromagnetism! Feel free to get creative with your designs!
Note: Be careful when using batteries and magnets together. They can get very hot when connected together for too long!!
Electromagnetic Train
As with the motor above, this model uses the electromagnetic forces to create movement, but in a different way.
Note: Be careful when using batteries and magnets together. They can get very hot when connected together for too long!!