We have all learned about the importance of taking care of our environment, but how often do we go out of our way to help clean up the communities we live and play in? Use this remote learning experience as an opportunity to finally take the time to walk around your neighborhood and pick up trash. Or, if your family is able, make it a family trip; head out to your favorite park, beach, or hiking trail and pick up as much trash as you can. You can even make it a friendly competition!
Record how much, and what type of trash you found to really figure out how much of an impact you made! Is this something you could do everyday, every weekend, or maybe at least once a month?
See how a West coast artist, Angela Haseltine Pozzi, started turning ocean pollution into art by clicking on the "Washed Ashore" button below.
Do you know where our plastics come from, and what happens to them when we are done using them? Watch the video linked below to learn more!